FOREX is the foreign exchange market or currency market. FOREX is the market where one currency is traded for another. It is the largest market in the world.

Some of the participants in this market are seeking to exchange a foreign currency for their own, like multinational corporations which must pay wages and other expenses in different countries. However, a large part of the market consists of currency traders. They speculate on movements in exchange rates, much like others would speculate on movements of stock prices. Currency traders try to take an advantage of even small fluctuations in exchange rates.

The most traded currencies in FOREX are Euro, US dollar, Swiss Frank, British Pound and Japanese Yen. Trading is not limited to those currencies; FOREX offers variety of currencies one can trade.

FOREX trading is done online. A person finds a FOREX broker, opens a trading account with the broker and deposits money. FOREX broker provides to a trader so called FOREX trading platform. It is an application, a working environment, where a trader buys and sells currencies, dealing online – he speculates to make money on the difference of currency rates.

In FOREX currencies are traded in pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/JPY, USD/CHF.


Company Profile
ForexWebTrader is an IB of Finexo Ltd. We believe our platform to be, by far, the most sophisticated web-based Forex trading platform on the net. Partnered with the world leader in retail Forex technology, ForexWebTrader provides premier service for traders worldwide.
Regulatory Information
In Germany, the Netherlands and Austria and Hungary, the foreign exchange trading services (FOREX) of Finexo Global Investments are offered by Finexo (DTS GmbH) under a legal institutional umbrella regulated by the financial authorities of Germany, the BaFin


With markets all over the world losing value, average investors have switched to the liquidity the currency markets offer. The Forex is the largest market on earth, with over three trillion dollars traded each day. And, It does not take a lot of money to begin trading
With Finexo you get:
The top rated, award winning platform
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Prior to the establishment of eToro the Forex market was considered by many to be distant and over complex territory. Here at eToro, our belief in fair and equal opportunity has lead us to develop a platform which would connect between the individual trader and the high end world of international finance, leaving those old fashioned boundaries behind.


The InstaForex Company provides a complete spectrum of services for currency trading on the international financial Forex market. The company’s main working directions are: providing qualified investment services aimed at earning speculative profit on international financial trading markets.
InstaForex customers use leading online-trading technologies and gain access to news and information resources provided by leading information agencies. Today, thousands of customers—both new and professional money market traders— use InstaForex services.


At Easy-Forex®, we feel the excitement of trading Forex and we want to show you how you can be part of the largest global market. When choosing which online platform to trade with, there are many different considerations. Here are some of the reasons why Easy-Forex® is your platform of choice.
• It’s about you: personal service; training
• Trading with us is easy: no software download; instant deposits; margin trading with low minimum deposit; quick registration
• Managing risk: rates, limits and stop-loss; tools to trade smarter
• Transparent: no hidden costs
• Innovative: trade anywhere at anytime; Freeze rate; special features and tools only available to our traders
• Flexible and competitive: special terms for frequent traders; spreads; bonuses
• Security: data security and privacy
• Professional: reputable business partners; real-time quotes


Plus500 strives to give every trader the ability to easily and efficiently trade any financial product around the globe including: Stocks, Indices, Metals, Commodities and Currencies.
Plus500 is a multi-asset trading platform. Our wide coverage includes UK, US, European and Asian exchanges; plus trading on Forex, Indices and Commodities.
To provide our clients with the optimum trading platform, we have built strong execution relationships with many of the world’s largest international banks. These relationships offer the benefits of increased size of deals, better prices and superior execution which, in turn, we pass onto our clients.


AsiaFXOnline merupakan Platform Online Trading Valuta Asing - Online Forex Trading Pertama di Indonesia. Diselenggarakan oleh PT. Asia Kapitalindo Komoditi Berjangka dengan legalitas dan perizinan resmi Bursa Berjangka Jakarta.


GalleonFX’s team of system designers and automated trading specialists have developed an innovative, proprietary system of FOREX trading strategies that have been rigorously tested and refined over many years. The objective was to create a robust program that would minimize draw down periods while achieving better than average high monthly returns. We back testing all of our systems for as much as 30 years as historical data permit but also gives more emphasis on more current years. Back testing is used to give more credence to our strategies but it is our actual live trading results that are getting all the attention



Do you know? At least 90% of new Forex traders lose all their money within their first 3 months of trading. This means that they have no idea what the heck they are doing! They just jump into the market blindly with only hopes and dreams and rely on the flip of a coin to determine their success. 90% of Forex traders are uneducated and lack the basic knowledge of how the Forex really works. They rely solely on luck without LEARNING ANY OF THE BASICS AT ALL! And reliable sources suggest that up to 10% of these under- informed Forex traders end up losing their entire trading account!
So do we assume that most losing traders are just ignorant? Of course not. Most losing traders are quite intelligent. In fact, most people who inquire about Forex trading have above average IQ's. So why do they FAIL...? They simply lack the discipline required to learn about how the Forex actually works. They are initially overconfident and consider their quick 5 minute market analysis to be 100% correct. More often than not they are 100% WRONG!


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